Bipartisan Bill Creates Ranked Choice Voting for Congressional Races
With a single primary for all candidates. What are its chances of passage?
With a single primary for all candidates. What are its chances of passage?
Ranked-choice voting is an election method several states and localities are considering to encourage more collegial campaigning.
Better Ballot Arizona’s plan would open primary elections to independent voters and go to a ranking system in the general election.
A bipartisan group of Wisconsin lawmakers is reviving a proposal to implement ranked-choice voting and nonpartisan blanket primaries in the battleground state
The system is seen by advocates in the Lower 48 as a model for advancing civility and moderation, but it is vulnerable to repeal at home.
A better mousetrap? Ranked choice voting can catch mice, writes guest columnist Gene Krebs, author, farmer and former GOP member of the Ohio House.
Heber City will use ranked choice voting in its city council election Nov. 21.
We could make our elections stronger with ranked choice voting.
Volunteers with Ranked Choice Voting Montana are looking to raise awareness and support for a major shift in state election procedures they say would create a more balanced, representative and responsive government.
The current plurality system punishes voters and rewards candidates who have a fervent base and splintered opposition.