Article about #Battle4RCV in Maine Today
Writer Dennis Perkins just published an article about our film in Maine Today. Check it out! ‘The Battle for Ranked Choice Voting’ follows Mainers in a pioneering political effort
Writer Dennis Perkins just published an article about our film in Maine Today. Check it out! ‘The Battle for Ranked Choice Voting’ follows Mainers in a pioneering political effort
In November 2018, Maine was first in the nation to use Ranked Choice Voting statewide in what turned out to be an incredibly transparent election. The Secretary of State live-streamed the candidate-elimination process, then posted Excel files of all the original ballot data. Despite the transparency, CD2 incumbent Bruce Poliquin Read more…
Our crowdfunding campaign has ended, but you can still make a tax-deductible donation through The Center for Independent Documentary. Many thanks to our generous supporters!!! Election Reformers Network, The Minneapolis Foundation, Eric Ashman, George Pillsbury, Felicity Britton, Douglas Amy, Greg Dennis, Benevity, Barry Vercoe, Conor Mulroy, Nancy Beach, Jack Read more…
The Committee for Ranked Choice Voting submitted their signatures to the Secretary of State’s office. They collected 75,000 signatures, enough to meet the 61,123 requirement. Now, the people of Maine will use RCV statewide for their June primaries, while at the same time voting on whether or not to keep Read more…
We tagged along with RCV legend Howie Fain to Concord, New Hampshire, where he was asked to speak at a State House committee hearing in support of a Ranked Choice Voting bill. Many thanks to Howie, Rep. Ellen Read, Tiani Coleman, and all the concerned citizens who came out to Read more…
We were just in Augusta for the Women’s March. Cara McCormick gave a fiery speech, we were happy to see Tom Wadell again, and Abbie Ryder and her team were out in full force. Thank you to everyone for an inspiring time!
We recently spoke with musician/activist Jon Fishman at an RCV event he was holding at Bayside Bowl in Portland, ME. Not only is Jon a great drummer, he has a lot to say. Thanks for everything, Jon!