| Taiyler Simone Mitchell | Business Insider |

A “yes” on Nevada’s Question 3 would put a new ranked-choice voting system into place for general elections and set up top-five primary elections.

Currently, Nevada’s primary election is used to choose a candidate from each party, but the Top-Five Ranked Choice Voting Initiative could change the process to a top-five voting system, according to the bill text. A top-five voting system would allow any voter to vote for any candidate no matter their political affiliation, and the top five candidates with the most votes would then proceed to the general election.

48% of participants support the measure…

The second part of the initiative would establish ranked-choice voting general election. This would allow voters to rank the candidates on the ballot in the general election.

In order for the measure to amend the Nevada Constitution, voters would also have to approve Question 3 once in 2022 and again a second time in 2024.

Both Maine and Alaska and Maine use ranked-choice voting. New York City also approved it in 2019 for citywide elections.

Yes on 3 is sponsored by Nevada Voters First. The supporters argue that Question 3 would benefit Nevadan voters in the primaries who aren’t registered to a political party.

The supporters say Question 3 is necessary to ensure that elected candidates aren’t extreme, that all voters can vote in the primaries, and that candidates are held accountable through more competitive elections. Organizations in support of the measure include the Institute for Political Innovation and Vote Nevada, according to Ballotpedia.

According to a September study by Emerson College Polling and The Hill, 48% of participants support the measure, 35% oppose it, and 17% of participants were undecided.

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